生态社会主义的“幸福观”探析胡建、何云峰:生态社会主义“幸福观”探析,《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2013年第2期,第15-22页。 [内容提要] 生态社会主义(亦称“生态学马克思主义”)是当代西方马克思主义的最新流派之一。它认为,以“消费主义”为特征的当代西方资本主义的主流幸福观是一种“他者性”的幸福观,不仅在质底上不能真正实现,而且还会造成个人人生意义的异化、社会生产目的与消费手段的异化、自然从生存根基到谋利工具的异化。据此,后资本主义的生态社会主义社会应改择马克思的“自由劳动”作为“自为性”幸福观的内容。其重要意义在于:在人与自身的关系上,个人只有选择了“自由劳动”的幸福观,才能克服“消费主义”所导致的幸福的异化;在人与社会的关系上,人们只有选择了“自由劳动”的幸福观,才能复归正常的“生产社会”;在人与自然的关系上,人类只有选择了“自由劳动”的幸福观,才能从源头上解决生态问题。生态社会主义对“幸福”观所作的探讨,具有深远的理论意义与实践价值,但也存在着不可避免的历史性“困境”。这需要当代全体马克思主义者继续努力奋斗来加以“解困”。 [关 键 词] 消费主义;“他者性”幸福观;自由劳动 ;“自为性”幸福观 On Eco-Socialist Views of Happiness HU Jian 1 HE Yunfeng 2 (1 Zhejiang Public Administrative Institution, Hangzhou, Zhengjiang, 310012; 2 Institute of Knowledge & Value Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, 200234) Abstracts Eco-socialism (also known as "ecological Marxism") is one of the latest genres of contemporary Western Marxism. In its view, "consumerism" is most characteristic of contemporary Western capitalism under which happiness is seen as for "others". Consumerists believe that such kind of happiness in its nature not only cannot be true, and may also lead to alienation of meaning of personal life, to alienation of purpose of social production and consumption, and to alienation of natural survival foundation purely for personal benefits. Accordingly, the eco-socialist society of post-capitalism should take the option of Marx's "free labor" as for happiness itself. The major reasons for this option include 1) that happiness with "free labor" can overcome the alienation of happiness resulted from "consumerism" with abnormal relationships of human beings with themselves; 2) that happiness with "free labor" can return to real social production with normal relationship between human being and society; 3) that happiness with "free labor" can solve the ecological problems at the source based on desirable relationships between human being and nature. Eco-socialists tend to re-construct the concept of "happiness". Their efforts have far-reaching theoretical significance and practical value. But they inevitably have their own historical "limits", to overcome which needs contemporary Marxists to make new efforts. Keywords: consumerism; happiness for others; free labor; for happiness itself |