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Faculty Position in Metaphysics and Epistemology a

作者  |  来源于  |  编辑于2013/10/12 19:54:20  |  浏览  次
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Faculty Position in Metaphysics and Epistemology
The Philosophy Department at Lehigh University invites applications for a tenure-track position in
Philosophy at the rank of Assistant Professor. AOS: Metaphysics and Epistemology. AOC: Open.
Applicants should hold the Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Philosophy no later than July 1, 2014, and must
demonstrate achievement in scholarship and teaching.
The department seeks candidates who not only have expertise in metaphysics and epistemology but will
also contribute to the internationalization of the department and curriculum, for example, by studying the
metaphysics or epistemologies of other culture or ethnicities, or working collaboratively with
philosophers in other countries, or incorporating the research of non-U.S. philosophers into her or his
teaching and research.
The department is looking for candidates who can flourish in a collegial, eclectic department that firmly
values and takes an active interest in the history of philosophy, and who are committed to teaching
undergraduates and to participating actively in programs outside the department. We are especially
interested in qualified candidates who have produced and will continue to produce original philosophical
scholarship, who have broad intellectual interests, who will foster enthusiasm for philosophy in
undergraduates majoring across the university, and who will contribute to the internationalization of
philosophy and the diversity and inclusiveness of the academic community through their research,
teaching, and/or service. Women and members of underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to
Responsibilities include active scholarship, excellent undergraduate teaching at all levels, undergraduate
thesis supervision, student advising activities, and service to the department, college, and university.
Course load is two courses a semester. Summer teaching is available.
Lehigh University is a premier residential research university, ranked in the top tier of national research
universities each year. A selective, coeducational, nondenominational, private university, Lehigh offers a
distinct academic environment in four colleges to about 7000 undergraduate and graduate students from
across the globe. The University is located in eastern Pennsylvania’s scenic Lehigh Valley on a campus of
6,000 acres in close proximity to both New York City and Philadelphia. Lehigh offers competitive
salaries and excellent benefits, as well as a wide range of networking, mentoring, and development
opportunities for junior faculty, including pre-tenure leaves.
Lehigh University seeks faculty with both disciplinary expertise and broad interests and expects its
faculty to demonstrate excellence in both scholarship and teaching. The university also seeks faculty who
will promote an inclusive community that values, affirms, and advances the diverse backgrounds,
interests, experiences, and aspirations of all its members. The College of Arts and Sciences is committed
to hiring individuals who will be successful at Lehigh, who are dedicated to the highest quality
instruction, have a desire to lead advances within their fields, and have an interest in ensuring the success
of the institution and their professions. The College is committed to increasing the diversity and inclusion
of the college community and curriculum.
Applications will be accepted only through AcademicJobsOnline and should include (1) letter of
application, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) two samples of written work, (4) research statement, (5) teaching
statement, (6) evidence of teaching excellence, and (7) three confidential letters of reference. Applicants
are encouraged to specify in their letter of application how they will contribute to the departmental and
university goals of internationalization and diversity.
Submit your application to https://academicjobsoneline.org/ajo/jobs/3253.
Complete applications, including letters of reference, must be received by November 1, 2013, to ensure
full consideration.
We will be interviewing at the APA Eastern Division Meetings. Appointment is expected to begin August
15, 2014.
Lehigh University is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. Lehigh University provides
comprehensive benefits including partner benefits.
For further information: https://philosophy.cas2.lehigh.edu/faculty; http://www.lehigh.edu;