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the 3rd International Art in Response to Violence Conference
时间:2012/10/7 22:44:53,点击:0

3rd International Art in Response to Violence Conference

October 18-19, 2012 at Northeastern Illinois University

Presenters from the Chicago area and states across the US will demonstrate and discuss diverse ways of using the arts to express, document, and heal the experiences of those who have been affected by violence. The conference will include a variety of presentations, participatory workshops, and a gallery covering topics from war and domestic violence to natural disasters and community injustice.

Continuing Education CEs available for Professional Counselors/Clinical Counselors.

Key features include:

- Presentation by Bill Brubaker, a Washington D.C. journalist presenting on native art practice in response to Haiti earthquake

- "Forbidden Art / Sztuka Zakazana" from Auschwitz Birkenau Memorial Collection and panel discussion by Ellen Canon, Professor of Political Science (NEIU); Mark McKernin, Professor of Art (NEIU); Juliana Panova, Director (International Psychological Services); Anna Lopuska (Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau)

- Peace Paper Project- lecture and workshop by Drew Luan Mattot and Margaret Mahan

- Ten Thousand Ripples - a multi-platform public arts project by Indira Freitas Johnson

- Exhibition of artwork by children of disappeared parents, courtesy of Amnesty International

- Art exhibition and presentation of "Sugar" by Laura Kina, a series of paintings about Japanese migrant women in Hawaiian sugarcane fields

See website for program and registration http://arv.neiu.edu

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