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For the first time ever, the International Small Business Congress (ISBC 2008) will be held in conjunction with the Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Annual Conference (ISBE 2008) in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We trust that you have received by post the 8 page brochure for one or both of these major events. If not, please reply and we will post them immediately - or visit each website for full details: www.isbc2008.org and www.isbe2008.org

ISBC is one of the most prestigious global events in the small business calendar, whilst the ISBE Conference is the largest UK event for small business specialists, both academic and practical. This unique combination will attract around 1,000 experts in small business creation and development from all around the world, including specialists in entrepreneurship education and training, small business support and finance, SME policy and regulation, plus related topics.

The ISBC Congress aims to bring together representatives from governments, business, academic communities, financial institutions and trade associations for the purpose of exchanging views about small and medium-sized business problems, policies and programmes for assisting them. The Congress also promotes business opportunities among participating SME representatives, including the development of communication linkages and networks and the continuation of meaningful contacts and relationships, resulting in mutual assistance among the various countries involved.

The mission of ISBE is to promote excellence in entrepreneurship education, research and practice, which it does in the large part through the presentation and discussion of over 200 papers at this Annual Conference. The Conference aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in this field and to highlight the practical and policy implications of recent research and experience. Another ISBE aim is to engage and share experiences with a wider international community, recognising that entrepreneurs now operate on a global stage. In that context ISBE welcomes this unique opportunity to collaborate with ISBC in Belfast for mutual synergistic benefits.

The overlap of ISBC and ISBE will facilitate some joint sessions on major SME policy issues, together with opportunities for delegates to participate in the plenary sessions of either event. World-renowned experts in the field will be speaking alongside leading entrepreneurs who will bring their own practical experience to bear on the theories promulgated by academic researchers. The three evening social events will be held jointly to facilitate international networking, which is such a valuable aspect of each event.

ISBC and ISBE 2008 are supported by the following leading public organisations: Belfast City Council; Enterprise Ireland; Federation of Small Business UK, Inter-Trade Ireland; Invest Northern Ireland; INTRE; the Small Firms Association of Ireland and the Genesis Initiative, plus several private sector sponsors. Further opportunities exist for sponsors, exhibitors and literature distribution. Please go on-line or e-mail or fax for further details.

Registration fees for both ISBC and ISBE go up on 1st August, so register NOW for the lowest fees! Go to www.isbc2008.org/registration.htm and www.isbe2008.org/registration.php for full details. If you register as a full delegate for either event, then you may add on an extra day to attend the other event as well for a small extra charge.

Information on discounted rates for delegates at selected hotels in Belfast City Centre is available on both websites at www.isbc2008.org/hotels.htm  and www.isbe2008.org/hotels.php. A direct link to the online conference hotel booking service for these discounted rates will be provided in a Registration Acknowledgement e-mail once you have registered for either event.

We look forward to welcoming you to Belfast.

Brian L Dunsby, Organiser
ISBC 2008 & ISBE 2008
PO Box 888, Dept D2, HARROGATE, HG2 8UH, UK
Tel: +44 1423 879208 (2 lines)
Fax: +44 1423 870025
E-mail: organiser@isbeconference.org
Websites: www.isbc2008.org  and www.isbe2008.org

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