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时间:2008/8/21 9:47:44,点击:0




The Latin American Society for Sexual Medicine – SLAMS has chosen the city of Lima, Peru, as venue for its IX Congress, that will take place on November 29-30 and December 1st, 2007.
The Scientific Programme will cover all the topics in the field of Sexual Medicine. The programme will also include sessions for scientific papers presentation.
Lima is a large metropolis with more than 8 million inhabitants called the “City of Kings”. A city full of history and artistic monuments, Lima preserves the charm of its past. Lima was founded by Francisco Pizarro on January 18, 1535, near a valley (the river Rímac) formed by beautiful forests and a few miles from the Pacific Ocean, it was an unequal and strategic place in that moment to be the Spanish colony centre. It is for its historical and artistic attributes that it earned the right to be declared "Cultural Patrimony of Humankind" by the UNESCO.
The pharmaceutical industry and companies of diagnosis and/or treatment applied technology in Sexual Medicine will have a large Exhibition area.
We invite you to visit our website www.slams2007.org, which is regularly updated with all the scientific information and to participate in this Latin American meeting which undoubtedly will be a memorable experience!
Looking forward to seeing you in Lima!
Miguel Alfredo Rivero, MD
SLAMS President

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上一篇: 第23届成人发展论坛将于2008年3月22-23日在..
下一篇: 第九届欧盟性学代表大会(2008.4.13-17)..
